• „Ceci n’est pas un film. Ce sont des notes prises au jour de jour.“

    Chris Marker in Sans Soleil

    Janis Schroeder works as an artist, filmmaker and photographer based in Berlin. In his videos, photo series and installations, he explores transformations of living spaces and environments. He studied in the art schools of Münster and Geneva, and at Freie Universität Berlin. At the Geneva School of Art he was employed as a research associate in the research-based Master program and was involved in the research project titled “The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva.”

    Artistic interests:

    the human condition, the active life and the inactive life, life plans, life courses,


    l’homme révolté,


    narrative strands, narrative modes, micro-histories, writing histories, the here and now, depth of time, experience and perception of time,


    relationships between human and human and animal and animal and environment and environment, connection of you, her, us, him, them, you and me, the interpersonal, the interspecies, interstices, environment, space, urban space, landscape, detours, peripheries, cartographies, borderlands, border crossings, post-migrant society, integration, disintegration,


    Sprache und Sein, rituals of speaking, documentarisms, images of realities, colours of truth, forms of untruth, the grain of film,


    the camera and the editing table as research tools, artistic research, artistic observation, artistic perception, ethnologies, ethnographies, anthropologies,


    wandering, disorientation, derives, wayfaring, strolling, walking, trying.



    Activities in art and artistic research:



    October-November 2024: The Tower, group exhibition of Freies Ausstellungskollektiv (FAK), Bethanien, Berlin


    September-October 2024: Culture Moves Europe, grant of the European Union, research trip for a video project in Bulgaria


    September 2024: Tag der offenen Ateliers, open studios and events, Beamtenwohnhaus, RAW-Gelände, Berlin, 7.9.2024


    June-July 2024: Troubled Kinships, group exhibition, presentation of collage from the series Abläufe einer Landschaft, SCOTTY, Berlin, 30.6.-13.7.2024


    June 2024: Water Tower Art Residency, artist residency and exhibition, creation and presentation of my video installation Take a breath, Lom Art Gallery, Lom, Bulgarien, 10.-20.6.2024


    June 2024: FAK — Freies Austellungskollektiv, group exhibition, presentation of four collages from the series Abläufe einer Landschaft, Beamtenwohnhaus, RAW-Gelände, Berlin, 15.6.2024


    March 2024: #2270ff, group exhibition, presentation of my video installation Außer Betrieb, Beamtenwohnhaus, RAW-Gelände, Berlin, 22.-24.3.2024


    February 2024: Experimente mit (Un-)Ordnung, workshop cycle, realization of my workshop Praktiken der Unordnung, KHBStudios, Berlin, 29.2.2024


    February 2024: Kreativität der Langsamkeit, film screening, presentation of my video Augen zu Basel, GISELA – Freier Kunstraum Lichtenberg, Berlin, 9.2.2024




    October 2023-April 2024: Video mapping with my video Horizonte, projection onto the Beamtenwohnhaus, RAW-Gelände, Berlin


    September-October 2023: A European Border – Personal Geographies in the Bulgarian-Turkish Border Zone, Exhibition in Goethe-Institut Bulgarien, curated by Radoslav Mehandzhiyski, 14.9-13.10.2023, Sofia, Bulgaria


    September 2023: Tag des offenen Denkmals, Open Studios in Beamtenwohnhaus, RAW-Gelände, 9.9.2023, Berlin


    April 2023: Sofia Underground Performance Art Festival 2023, presentation of my installation Abläufe einer Landschaft, curated by Hristo Kaloyanov, 26.-30.4.2023, Sofia, Bulgaria


    February-March 2023: At the border – A collection of materials related to the Bulgarian-Turkish border, presentation of my photo video research project The European Border – Researching Personal Geographies in the Bulgarian-Turkish Border Zone, curated by Sigrun Drapatz, 25.2.-25.3.2023, project space SCOTTY, Berlin




    November 2022: Pokoje, presentation of the video installation Overflow, in collaboration with Mila Hamp, Ava Simonds and Anna Zakelj, curator: Kamila Huptychová, 11.11.-20.11.2022, Prague


    September-October 2022: research in the Bulgarian Turkish border zone, in the context of the artistic research project The European Border


    June-July 2022: Freiheit: Vom schmalen Grad, group exhibition at project space SCOTTY, Berlin, presentation of my video installation I can’t go on. I’ll go on.


    May-October 2022: NEUSTART KULTUR-Stipendium für freischaffende bildende Künstler:innen der Stiftung Kunstfonds


    May 2022: Abläufe einer Landschaft, Exhibition during the Libken Fest zur Eröffnung der Bibliothek im Libken e.V. in Böckenberg, Brandenburg


    March-April 2022: Artist Residency, Libken e.V. in Böckenberg, Uckermark. Gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeHeart Residenzförderung.




    October 2021: Time will tell, Exhibition at SeeMeOn 29, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by Imago, presentation of my video and photo research project The European Border, curators: Teodora Konstantinova & Radoslav Mehandzhiyski


    October 2021: Artist residency at Imago International Artist Residency, 1st to 31st October, Tsarimir, Bulgaria


    September 2021: Presentation of the film Iluta in the framework of the 2Annas Shortfilm Festival, Pedvale Art Park, Sabile, Latvia


    September 2021: Artist Residency at Pedvale Art Park, 1st to 30th September, Sabile, Latvia




    November 2020: Masterdialog Mapping Partizipation, Lucerne School of Art and Design, presentation of my video research project Exploring the space in between – a video research project in the postmigrant city


    October 2020: Köln-Siegener Meisterklasse für Medienethnographie (Visuelle Methoden II) mit Bina E. Mohn, cooperation of the Universities of Cologne and Siegen, presentation of my video Treiben und (sich) treiben lassen


    August 2020: Digital Anthropologies, one-week group residency with exhibition and workshops, Paris Sonchamp, organised by Les Écrans de la Liberté in cooperation with SenseLab 3e, realisation of my intervention The Long Poem of the Interspace


    May 2020: Organisation of the Berlin Node, a discussion forum as part of the international online conference Distribute, collaboration of Humboldt-Universität Berlin with the Society for Visual Anthropology (SVA) and the Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA)




    October 2019: Exhibition at Hosek Contemporary, Berlin, presentation of my video installation Attention Span


    September 2019: Explore – Festival de la ville de demain, Departement du Territoire Geneva, presentation of the video installation The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva, presentation of the research project on a panel discussion


    March 2019: Shifting Baselines. The forms of water in the artistic investigation practices, in LiveInYourHead, exhibition space Geneva, presentation of my video installation Naufrage




    December 2018: The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva, Trafic, independent exhibition space Lausanne, presentation of the research project on a panel discussion


    November 2018: International colloquium Terror on Tour, presentation of the research project The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva on a panel discussion, Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD)


    September 2018: Le métier de vivre, presentation of the video and panel discussion, Médecins Sans Frontières workshop, Geneva, with Chiara Bertini and Majaliwa Vyankandondera


    September 2018: Co-Workings, exhibition at Le Pneu, Vélodrome, independent art space in Geneva, presentation of the video installation Naufrage


    January 2018: The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva, presentation of the research project in a panel discussion at the Institut de la recherche en art et en design (IRAD), Geneva




    November to December 2017: Déprogrammation, Théatre de la Manufacture Atlantique Bordeaux, presentation of my video installation Zeitraffer


    November 2017: Le métier de vivre, exhibition in Espace Kugler, an independent art space in Geneva, presentation of the video installation Le mötier de vivre, with studio rebat (Janis Schroeder and Chiara Bertini)


    October 2017: International conference The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva, presentation of the research project in a panel discussion, Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD)


    August 2017: living room – installations, performances, music, Open Air Arts Festival on Stadionbrache Hardturm Zurich, presentation of my Photo and sound installation Handwerk


    June 2017: BIG – Biennale des espaces d’art indépendants de Genève, Plaine de Plainpalais Geneva, conception of the pavilion of the independent exhibition space Espace Kugler, with Marisa Cornejo and Stéphanie Prizreni




    August 2016: living room – installations, performances, music, Open Air Arts Festival on Stadionbrache Hardturm Zurich, presentation of my video installation Die Geschichte handelt von dir 2. Versuch einer Gegenüberstellung von historischen und aktuellen Stadtraumfragen (The story is about you 2. Attempt to juxtapose historical and current urban space issues).


    July 2016: “Energies of urban ecologies in the video essay”, article in: CCC Newsletter #14, Research-Based Master Programme CCC – Critical Curatorial Cybermedia Studies, Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD)




    October 2015: International colloquium SHOCK CITY: Resilience and the Anthropocene, presentation of the research project The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva, University of the Arts London (UAL)


    August 2015: living room – installations, performances, music, Open Air Arts Festival on Stadionbrache Hardturm Zurich, presentation of my participatory performance Die Geschichte handelt von dir. Versuch über das Flugverhalten von politischer Meinung


    May 2015: presentation of the research project Energies of urban ecologies in the video essay, Institut de recherche en art et en design (IRAD), Geneva


    March 2015: International Colloquium Emerging Cultures of Sustainability, presentation of the research project The Anthropocene Atlas of Geneva, organisation of a workshop and various city walks, Research-Based Master Programme CCC – Critical Curatorial Cybermedia Studies, Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD)


    Article: “Le vent acide siffle. A propos de Deep Weather d’Ursula Biemann,” (together with Cécile Boss) in: Jeux sérieux. Cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai, Bertrand Bacqué, Cyril Neyrat, Clara Schulman, Véronique Terrier Hermann (ed.), HEAD Geneva, Mamco Geneva




    November 2014: Blicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Endstation Kino Bochum, presentation of my video Problemhaus


    November 2014: Presentation of my research project Energies of urban ecologies in the video essay, University of the Arts London (UAL)


    November 2014: Presentation of the research project Energies of urban ecologies in the video essay, Master of Arts in Public Spheres, Lucerne University of the Arts




    September 2013: C’est moi qui choisis, Prix New Heads – Fondation BNP Paribas Art Awards, Live in Your Head Geneva, installation with the artist collective Lichens


    September 2013: EMERGENCY, exhibition in the independant art space Espace Kugler Genève, projection de la vidéo Parcours


    September 2013: Tirage Limité – Rencontres Romandes du Livre d’Artiste, Palais de Rumine Lausanne


    June 2013: Bookshop Archigraphy Geneva, presentation of artists’ books




    November 2012: Documentary Film Festival Kassel, video projection Terrain de jeu


    June 2012: Bookshop Archigraphy Geneva, presentation of artists’ books


    October 2012: Artists’ Book Fair Galerie Vermelho São Paulo, Brazil


    June 2012: Blank Book Makers Fonderie Kugler Geneva, presentation of an artist’s book


    May 2012: SALEFRICHE Open-Air Festival in Geneva, video installation




    May 2011: Echange: Tbilisi-Genève Ateliers Acacias Geneva, video installation




    September 2010: Tirage Limité – Rencontres Romandes du Livre d’Artiste, Palais de Rumine Lausanne


    May 2010: Vice Versa,in the exhibition space Live In Your Head Geneva, curatorial work


    April 2010: European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, presentation of the video installation Augen zu Basel




    November 2009: The long night of the students LWL-Landesmuseum Münster, presentation of the video Augen zu Basel


    August 2009: Wellenlänge 5 – Kunst und Psychiatrie, Outsider Art House Veenhuizen (Netherlands), video installation


    January 2009: Wellenlänge 5 – Kunst und Psychiatrie, Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster, video installation

