• Versuch über das Flugverhalten von politischer Meinung [Attempt on the flight behaviour of political opinion]

    The festival lasts nine days. Every day the artist distributes another historic protest leaflet to stimulate discussions: How up-to-date are the different topics of the leaflets, such as labor, anti-fascism, or feminist movements, and is the leaflet still an important communication medium for protest?

    Leaflet 1: Die Pyramide der Unterdrückung, Germany 1872
    Leaflet 2: Vorwärts mit frischem Muth!, Germany 1905
    Leaflet 3: An das arbeitende Volk der Schweiz, Olten, Switzerland 1918
    Leaflet 4: Kommilitoninnen! Kommilitonen!, Munich, Germany 1943
    Leaflet 5: Warum brennst Du, Konsument?, West Berlin, Germany 1967
    Leaflet 6: Frauen, unterstützt unseren Protest!, West Berlin, Germany 1973
    Leaflet 7: Wir haben ja alles!, Bern, Switzerland 1980
    Leaflet 8: Wohnungsnot, Zurich, Switzerland 1981
    Leaflet 9: Und ewig glüht die Heide, German Democratic Republic 1986


    Attempt on the Flight Behavior of Political Opinion was developed with C.l.i.n. – commission pour la libération de l’imagination et des narrations.


    nine historic protest leaflets, black and white, Din A4

    for Living Room – Installations, Performances, Music on Stadionbrache Hardturm, Zurich 2015