• The video essay tells the story of two male midwives in Geneva, Switzerland. Due to conflicts in their home countries (Burundi and Iran), the two men fled to Switzerland, where they became the first men working as midwives there. Through the vita of these two people, the video essay seeks to challenge dichotomies of man-woman, black-white, north-south, and foreigner-native.

    video essay, Full HD, color, stereo sound, 27 min
    production: studio rebat
    with Nasir Jamei and Majaliwa Vyankandondera
    direction: Chiara Bertini and Janis Lew Schroeder
    cut and sound mix: Kostas Makrinos
    camera: Janis Lew Schroeder
    interview camera: Laura von Niederhäusern
    sound: Chiara Bertini